The transformation of a brownstone in New York City has always been a combination of layers; from FAR and historical ones to tectonic and financial ones. When one of your biggest assets is time (seldom the case) you can afford a real exploration of your client’s ambitions, dreams, desires and needs. A house is perhaps the most intimate program to work with and specially when design happens during the time of a world pandemic you commence to re-evaluate all those spaces and uses that a family needs in order to cohabitate and coexists — all in the same space. The importance of a garden or green space becomes more evident when your home becomes your world and the world our home as humanity comes closer in difficult times. Epidemic and care is in our past, present and future - lets build interior and exterior spaces with this in mind.
Location: Brooklyn, New York City
Project Year: 2020
Project Area: 2,000 sq ft
Status: Construction Documents