a provocative landscape
a provocative landscape
a Provocative Landscape
We tend to believe Gloria Kisch’s Bells are these vertical sculptures that thrive in a landscape, just as they did in 3Ponds in the Hamptons, each with a distinct and engaging personality as John Perreault would say. Bells need to be admired in particular moments - whether caressed by the subtle wind of a person walking by or through the physical manipulation of a hand - they activate and dance with the context around them. We wanted to bring inside the gallery the original context that these pieces once inhabited by creating a provocative landscape made with paper. A light-weight structure that through a singular repetition invites the viewer into an experience of sensual movement and sonic background activating all parts of the exhibition. When you gaze from the street you can perceive the flowers anticipating a natural and fantastical world unfolding, as you wonder if there is more down the path. The meandering experience makes one discover a different bell as they permeate through this landscape; new crevices open and close, offering opportunities to encounter particular spatial moments and transitions the further you progress through the gallery.
List of Materials:
Translucent canvas/paper
Metal struts
Threaded rods
Velcro strips with adhesive
Magic Tape
Client : die FIRMA
Project Year : 2019
Project Area : 2,000 sqft
Status : RFP