GREEN 360º
GREEN 360º
Taking into account the design parameters searched in an international competition, the team was concerned for maximum space quality and sustainable, built-in solutions. The intention turned into a “non intervention” within the Camacho urbanization; a camouflage from the (green) outside to the (green) inside and vice versa, resulting as one single (green) element were Architecture and landscape merged with the utmost design and the minimum intrusion to nature. Therefore, LED developed the LIVING GREEN project, with 360 degree views, 360 days a year.
Formally and functionally speaking, LED searched for the user's total privacy and versatility, making use of varied sliding elements; closed vs open spaces, exposure vs intimacy. Building type A is a loft tower made of stacking blocks with open, flexible spaces that transform with sliding walls according to the user's necessities. Building type B (corner tower) is composed by interlocking blocks that result from sliding modules that generate “town house” apartments with a rich quality of spaces generated by double heights.
Collaborators: Laura González Fierro, Valeria Alonso Fernandez, Abel Blancas Morán and Sergio Garzón Gomez